Sunday, March 4, 2012



1.      general statement一般陳述,  facts (that do not change) 事实,  telling the truth  真理

Water boils at 100 C.
Hong Kong has wet summers.
There are twelve months in the year.

2. .現時情況, 人或物的一般特征,反復發生的動作,習慣性

He gets up at six.
I don’t smoke.
I always have a sandwich for lunch.

Adverbs of frequency:
always, usually, generally, often, sometimes, occasionally, seldom/rarely, never, EVERYDAY.

When I was a child, I walked to school every morning. Now my family is much better off so I go to school by taxi every day. But if my father wins the lottery, I will go to school by car every day.

I just wear everyday clothes.

2.     Opinion and consensus意見

Smoking kills.
John has a bad haircut.
H.Reviews of books or films
Bill's new novel is an exciting story.


4. Demonstrations 演示, descriptions 描述 and explanations 說明

The teacher said,” First, I take some eggs and then I add the milk. Now watch me. I ….”

He sits down. Suddenly the door opens and a man enters.

5. Conventional wisdom in the form of proverbs 智慧語,諺語

A friend in need is a friend in deed.

6.. 講書面材料內容

Shakespeare says, “ Neither a borrower nor a lender be.”


“ You go straight on to the traffic lights, then you turn right.”

8. 用於圖片說明

The king arrives for the opening of the university.

9. 用在here and there之后

Here comes the bus
There goes the bell.

10. Reference to what was communicated in the past
表示過去動作,有少數動詞如 say, tell, hear, learn…可以用一般現在時表示過去發生的情況,這是因為這類動詞發生的時間在,說話人的腦中已很模糊,他想表達的是后面談的情況。

He says he can’t wait any longer.
I received a letter from your cousin yesterday. He writes that he loves Italian food.
I saw the game last week. Bill plays great football.
I hear you want a secretary.
I forget the man’s name.

11.Simple conditional 在時間或條件從句中,須用一般時表示將來動作

We’ll let you know as soon as you arrive.
In case I forget, please remind me about it.

If you work hard, you will pass the exam.
If I  see Nancy I’ll ask her.

12. 某些從句中,可用一般時表示將來動作

I hope that you feel better soon.
Assuming it rains tomorrow, what shall we do
Whatever happens, I’m going.

13.Order命令, request,要求

'Turn on the fan and then sit down.' the teacher said to John.
'Open the door ,please.'

14.Planned activities/future timetables 在口語中,表示未來計劃或時間表

The bus departs at 3 p.m. and reaches Kowloon Tong in the evening.
He leaves for London next week.
My flight leaves at 10:00.
The train leaves in five minutes’ time.
The plane takes off at 9.20 a.m.

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